Welcome Back

Posted: 1st September 2024

A warm welcome back to another year at Cobham Hall.

It has been a delight to see so many new faces and to welcome back those returning to us. We hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for the year ahead.

Over the summer break, our Estates and Maintenance Team have been working extremely hard to ensure the upkeep of our School.

You will find that:

  • There is a second Sixth Form quiet study room in T-Block to accommodate our continuously expanding Sixth Form
  • Stuart House (boys boarding) has been expanded and decorated, proving a larger living space for our increase in boy boarders
  • Repairs to the building and roof, ensuring that our 16th century mansion house remains at its best standard
  • Our Wellbeing Room has been refurbished
  • Over the summer, our gardening team has been keeping up with the maintaining of our grounds – all 150 acres!

A huge thank you to our Estates and Maintenance team for their all their hard work.

(Mr Bartlett, Mr Hearn, Mr Pearton, Mrs Adams, Mr Gilbert and Mr Waters)

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