Ethos and Values

‘There’s more in you than you think’

We believe untold brilliance lies within each of our students, and that each has the potential to develop skills and abilities they may never have believed possible. Our school motto, ‘There’s more in you than you think,’ underlines this. We are committed to providing our students with the academic knowledge to flourish, and to inspiring each student to have the courage to challenge themselves and find their own path in life.

Happy young people learn, and we place student wellbeing at the heart of everything we do, ensuring trust, respect, honesty, kindness and tolerance infuse every aspect of the educational experience. In our diverse and tolerant environment, students feel safe to question the world around them, to develop their curiosity and creativity, and to discover there is more in them than they know.

The Cobham Hall Perspectives course builds upon the foundation of our core values and incorporates the Round Square IDEALS.

  • Internationalism
  • Democracy
  • Environmentalism
  • Adventure
  • Leadership
  • Service

These six IDEALS provide the structure to develop skills young people will need to cope with all manner of situations they will encounter both in School and in life. Skills such as creativity, confidence, teamwork, communication, adaptability, empathy, resilience, and time management. Skills that enable us to prepare students coming through our doors for jobs that may not have been thought of yet, and to  have an active, valuable role in society. We are proud of the sheer variety of paths taken by Cobham Hall Elders once they have flown the nest.

Browsing around our website, you will discover the ways in which we provide as many opportunities as possible for our students. Opportunities of trips, co-curricular activities and in-school initiatives that ignite passions, spark interests, and nurture talent. Opportunities to learn skills that can be transferred and carried with them whatever path they choose to follow. You will also discover the support we provide – academically for those that need it, and pastorally for everyone.

We believe every student’s journey at Cobham Hall is unique to them, and it is our privilege to enable each to discover the truth in our motto: ‘there’s more in you than you think’.