International Admissions

Our Step-by-Step guide covers the general process for Admissions to Cobham Hall. Here are a few additional details you may find useful if you are joining us from outside the UK.

Entrance Assessments

All overseas students have the choice of sitting Cobham Hall’s own entrance assessments or to apply via UKiset.

Cobham Hall’s own Entrance Assessments include a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) and, for those for whom English is not their first language, an English Placement Test and short written test. Please contact our Head of Admissions on +44 (0) 1474 823371 or via for further details. Arrangements can usually be made for overseas students to be assessed at their current schools or by their agent, if applicable. Online interviews will also be arranged.

Alternatively, we do accept applications via UKiset – the UK Independent Schools’ entry test. Please visit the UKiset website for full details of this entry route, or to register for this test.

UK Visa Requirements

At Cobham Hall we continue to sponsor pupil visas for the duration of study at Cobham Hall. Please contact us via or +44 (0) 1474 823371 for further information about the visa application process.

EU Nationals

EU Nationals, who do not have Settled or Pre-Settled Status, need to obtain a Child Student or Student visa to study in the UK for more than 6 months. This requirement does not apply to Irish nationals, who continue to be able to study in the UK without a visa.

Child Student Visas

We are able to sponsor Child Student for our pupils. Our advisers, Newland Chase Education, manage these visa applications to ensure that all applicants comply with the regulations.  Applications from outside the UK can be submitted up to six months before the start of the course.

British National (Overseas) Visa

This visa is for those who are resident in Hong Kong and can provide evidence that they can provide accommodation and financial support for themselves and their dependants in the UK. Students with this category of visa can study in the UK but would not be entitled to public funds or to use the NHS for free.

Visitor Visa

This visa allows visitors to live and study in the UK for up to six months.  For EEA and certain other nationals, Visitor Visas will be granted at border control. Other nationals will need to obtain this visa before travelling to the UK.

This is only a brief summary. If you would like any further information or advice please feel free to contact our Compliance Manager, Maxine Zeltser, at


EAL Provision

If your child’s first language is not English, we have an excellent English as an Additional Language (EAL) Department.  They will provide them with language support lessons and offer help, support and advice for students adapting to life at a British Boarding School. Find out more about our EAL Department.


All students whose parents reside overseas must have a Guardian residing in the UK. This may be a relative, a friend of the family or someone appointed through an agency.  To find agencies that offer Guardianship services for overseas students, and are accredited by AEGIS (Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students), please visit Parents should contact the agencies directly. Guardianship arrangements are the responsibility of parents. Cobham Hall takes no responsibility for appointing Guardians or for payment for Guardianship fees.

Guardians will be your child’s emergency contact, and must make holiday arrangements in consultation with Parents, including travel to and from School for the beginning and end of term.

Guardians will be sent copies of all school mailings and are encouraged to attend Parents’ Meetings and other school events.

NHS and Medical Information

If your child has been previously registered with a doctor under the National Health Service, they must bring their Medical Card to school upon entry. If the card has been lost, the name and address of the doctor with whom they were previously registered must be sent to us. If your child has not been previously registered and will be at the School for more than one term, we will register their name with the School Doctor. Our School doctor is based at Meopham Medical Centre.

Overseas students joining us for one term or less are advised to ensure they have adequate private travel and health insurance.

Exeat, Holidays and Weekends

Exeats are mid-term weekend breaks.  On these weekends, students are encouraged to leave Cobham Hall on Friday evening, between 4.30pm and 6.00pm, to spend some time away from school with family, friends or guardians. Students must return to school between 6.00pm and 9.00pm on Sunday. Although it is advisable for students to leave school for Exeat weekends, it is not always possible for parents to make such arrangements and so students may remain at school.

At half terms, students may leave school from 4.30pm on Friday and return between 6.00pm and 9.00pm on the Sunday before school resumes. There are no facilities for students to stay in school over half term. Housemistresses must have full details of all arrangements including travel and where the student will be staying during the holiday period.

On all other weekends an afternoon programme of activities is organised and boarders remain under the supervision of the School. Parents are of course welcome to visit students at weekends. Written notice must be given to facilitate arrangements.

Please visit our Term dates webpage for details of exeat weekends and holidays for current and forthcoming academic years.