Category: Sport

Freya’s Summer of Football

6th September 2023

Freya (Year 9) ended the last football season on a high. She captained her grass-roots Crayford Arrows team to a cup win, and was voted Player of the Year. This…

Sixth Form vs Staff Netball Match

9th February 2023

Wednesday lunchtime saw a fierce battle between Staff and Sixth Form in a spirited game of Netball. The tournament was intense, with skilful competitors on both sides of the court….

Kent Schools Cross-Country Championships

24th January 2023

Congratulations to all the athletes who competed in the Kent Schools Cross-Country Championships. This competition hosts the best runners across the country, with hundreds of students competing in each race….

Clara’s Synchronised Swimming

20th January 2023

Last week, we spotted Clara, Year 10, and her father (her coach) using our School pool to train for her fascinating sport of synchronised swimming. We were incredibly impressed with…

Focus Day

9th December 2022

For Focus Day on Thursday, our students were divided into groups and spent the day focusing on the senses. Each class had a focus on one specific sense and the…

Interhouse Netball

22nd November 2022

On Monday 21st November Cobham Hall hosted our annual Interhouse Netball tournament. It was a fierce competition and all four Houses – Lenox, Richmond, Darnley and Clifton – battled it…

Year 9 Break the Bias

9th March 2022

Year 9 students attended a fantastic event, entitled ‘Break the Bias’, at Medway Park to celebrate International Women’s Day. The day was kick-started with an inspirational interview with Ama Agbeze,…